Monday, March 7, 2011

I wish I could answer

On the last day of my college i was having a little discussion over "my sexuality" with my friends (my two best buddies) , it was more like a question answer round though. One of my friends is finally accepting the fact that i am "different" till now she chose to deny it, so she was asking me all sorts of questions out of curiosity and to understand the whole thing clearly, i answered all of her questions patiently (i hate being interrogated!) except one...she asked me "they say love is with the heart, emotions, union of two souls, when we find that connection with someone special we don't really care much about their looks or any other trait rather than their heart and character. so why can't you be in love with a man...whats gender got to do with love??"..and i couldn't answer her.

I myself am looking for the answer. I know i am gay but i don't understand it. I don't understand why i can't be in love with a man. I know i was born this way, nothing external has made me the way i am. when someone displays homophobia towards me i always defend myself saying that love knows no gender!...but if u ask me that why can't you like guys just like other girls do?... i am clueless.

I am not turning straight or anything but this question i guess will always bother me. I wish i could answer my friend, i wish i could answer myself!


  1. There are many questions as yet unanswered...
    Nothing can be (actually , should be) classified to fit a table or graph.
    Things don't exist so that man may clearly define them!

  2. I believe there has to be a reason, a logic behind everything!

  3. There are things that go beyond the logic of 2+2, I have experienced them, there are things that are beyond explanation, they exist.

    I also believe that there has to be some logic behind everything existential, yet I know there are things I can't explain. Like the times when you have a premonition (I've had those, and it ended up saving my niece from getting blasted in the face cause of an egg that she was trying to boil away in the microwave!)

    In the end, we can't define everything we feel, we should let it be.. I guess

  4. I guess you are right. It's like I want to believe it but the logic part says not to, but then again it's there "existing" anyway!
